- My Articles on Personas
- Culture and Personas Perception
- Personas in a cultural world
- The effect of personas is finally proved
- Personas research
- Personas study
- (ingen titel)
- Persona-Scenarios in Context
- Links from InfoDesign
- New PhD Dissertation on Personas and Scenarios
- Personas – nu og fremover
- Stereotypes
- Publications on using quantitative data to establish personas
- Fiction based personas
- International User Studies and Personas
- Personas Make Users Memorable for Product Team Members
- Persona-metodens paradokser
- How we work with personas
- New book on personas
- Personas made from quantitative data
- The use of personas in Danish companies – part 2
- How can Personas be useful for developers??
- New white paper on international user studies
- Chapter about Personas on InteractionDesign.org
- Brugen af personas hos danske virksomheder – 2012/13
- The use of personas in Danish companies part 3
- The Use of Personas in Danish Companies – 2012/13 (Part 1)
- Acting as Someone Like Me – personas in participatory innovation
- Bibliotekspersonas
- Ny bog om personametoden
- Co-design with personas
- The Pragmatic Persona
- How does Cultural Knowledge Impact Personas Perception. My slides from UPA2010
- En dialog om personas og pseudonymer
- Et eksempel på en persona beskrivelse før og efter redigering
- Personas – as part of a user-centered innovation process
- An Empirical Study of the Inventive Aspects of Narrative Scenarios in IT Redesign
- Using Storytelling to Identify Requirements – Exploring Persona-Scenarios in Context
- Persona and Scenario Practitioner Inquiry
- Hvorfor personas?
- Oplæg om perception af personas
- Oplæg om personas
- Kan man rekruttere en persona?
- Fra statistik til personas
- Designområdet
- Hvad er forskellen på personas og segmenter?
- Building a Hypothesis
- Influencers or Satellites – the persona is never alone
- Trin 9: Scenarier – hvordan, men ikke hvad
- Personas og Arketyper
- Flere spørgsmål og svar
- En række spørgsmål og forsøg på svar
- Data
- Personas – Communication or Process?
- 1. Find brugerne (indsamling af data)
- Literature
- Trin 9: Scenarier – hvordan, men ikke hvad
- Alle bruger personas
- Hvor mange personas?
- 10 skridt mod personas
- Personas for open source
- Hvordan skal oplysningerne vægtes i personasbeskrivelsen
- My PhD dissertation on personas and scenarios
- 10 Steps to Personas
- Scenarios
- Personas til BabySam